Today students dress as their future careers. We have firefighters, police officers, detectives, doctors, football players, service men and women, pilots, lawyers, fashion designers, and principals too!! Our students are preparing for their future and it looks bright. #HornetPride
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of Assistant Principal and students dressed as a assistant principal
photo of students and teacher dressed in future career
photo of students and teachers dressed for future careers
photo of students dressed as their future careers
More story characters from our Red Ribbon Week, Story Character Day.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of Mrs. Lee with students dressed as story characters
photo of students dressed as story characters
photo of students dressed as story characters
Ms. Whitaker was Fancy Nancy, joining fourth grade while reading the chapter book Save Me a Seat.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of Principal Whitaker and students reading a book
Today students and staff dressed as their favorite character from their favorite book.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of Assistant Principal Lucas, Mrs. Ellis and a fourth grade student dressed as story characters
Today during media, second-grade students used story maps to identify the main characters, and setting and identify the problem in specific chapters.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of teacher at smart board and students sitting, writing
Hubbard students participated in our second Red Ribbon week day, dressing as their favorite superheroes.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of Ms. Whitaker and k-2 students dressed as their favorite superheroes
photo of Principal Whitaker and a first grade student
Last week, students in Mrs. Vines 3rd grade science class, created skin graphs.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of students skin graph
photo of students skin graphs
Our Red Ribbon Week kick-off was a success.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of students sitting holding signs that say we are drug free, police officer and dog
photo of students and teachers standing
photo of students sitting at a table
photo of staff and students
photo of assistant principal
photo of Hubbard staff
photo of hubbard staff
photo of Hubbard staff
photo of hubbard staff
Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23rd through 31st. We invite you to join us by getting involved and continue to make America Drug-Free. The theme for this year's Red Ribbon Week is, "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.™" #RedRibbonWeek #NCPS #NashCountyPublicSchools #NashCPSchools #NCPSchools #WearRed
over 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week takes place each year from October 23rd through 31st. We invite you to join us by getting involved and continue to make America Drug-Free. The theme for this year's Red Ribbon Week is, "Be Kind to Your Mind. Live Drug Free.™" #RedRibbonWeek #NCPS #NashCountyPublicSchools #NashCPSchools #NCPSchools #WearRed
over 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Be Kind to Your Mind: Live Drug Free
Good evening Hornet Family, This is Chasity Whitaker your child's principal calling with weekly announcements. Thank you students, parents, and staff for a wonderful Hispanic Heritage Program. The students did a wonderful job. We have several events happening this week. On October 17 the CTE's Business and industry's round up at NCHS from 5:00-7:00. October 18th is Unity Day. We will wear orange to show we are against bullying. October 19th come have dinner with our PTO. Learn about ways to help our school and become a member of our wonderful PTO from 5:30-7:00pm. On October 20th students and staff will wear red to kick off red ribbon week. Thank you and have a wonderful evening.
over 1 year ago, Chasity Whitaker
Red Ribbon Week begins Friday, October 20th. Each day students who participate will wear the following: Friday, Oct. 20- Wear red for the Red Ribbon Kick-off Assembly Monday, Oct. 23- Dress as your favorite superhero Tuesday, Oct. 24- Dress as your favorite storybook character Wednesday, Oct. 25- Dress as the career you want when you grow up Thursday, Oct. 26- Wear your favorite sports team apparel or colors Friday, Oct. 27- Wear your favorite crazy hat
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of  cartoon child with cape, girl with cat ears
Join us on Wednesday, October 18th as we wear orange to support Unity Day. We wear orange to show kindness, acceptance, and inclusion for all.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of hands making a heart
Hornet Family Please join the MBHES Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) for its first PTO Dinner on Thursday, October 19th at 5:30pm! Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to learn about membership and support! Please register by October 18th using the link below. Register
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of students sitting at tables with parents
Hispanic Heritage Program is today, Thursday, October 12, with the Red Oak Middle School 8th grade band. Students should arrive by 5:30 and report to the cafeteria. The program will start promptly at 6 pm. We will have a Hispanic food truck on campus. We look forward to seeing you there.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
Today, Mrs. Cornites' class learned how to tell time using a number line.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
photo of students watching teacher teach about number lines
Help support United Way with a donation of $5 students will be able to dress out of uniform next week Monday, Oct. 16 to Friday, Oct. 20. Money will need to be paid by this Friday, Oct. 13. Each students money should be turned into their homeroom teacher. If you have questions please contact the school.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
Remote Area Medical Free, first come, first served, no ID required! • Dental • Vision • Medical Rocky Mount, N October 14-15, 2023 @ Nash Central High School • 4729 Nash Central High Road • Rocky Mount, NC 27804 For more information visit • 865-579-1530 #NCPS #NashCountyPublicSchools #NCPSchools #nashcpschools This is a community event, unaffiliated with Nash County Public Schools.
over 1 year ago, Nash County Public Schools
Remote Area Medical
Remote Area Medical
Remote Area Medical
Great News!!! Our Fall Book Fair arrived early so it will officially open tomorrow, Friday, October 6. Don't forget the class with the most e-wallet account will win an ice cream party, sponsored by the media center. To create an e-wallet account use the link below How to create an e-wallet account:
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
Please join our ACE and SGA in helping our community, by donating canned goods for our Thanksgiving drive beginning, November 6 through November 13. Donations can be sent in with your child or turned in at the front office. Donations can be dropped off from 8:30 to 2:30, for more information please contact the front office at 252-451-8515.
over 1 year ago, Anya Ross
Photo of pumpkins, pie, leaves and cake