Public Notice and Media Alert

Public Notice and Media Alert

Board of Education Work Session and Regular Meeting on March 3, 2025

The Nash Board of Education will hold the following scheduled meetings on Monday, March 3, 2025, at 5:00 p.m.

  • Board of Education Work Session

  • Regular Scheduled Board of Education Meeting

Meetings are open to the public.

Nash County Public Schools Administrative Building located at 930 Eastern Avenue Nashville, N.C. 27856

Contact: Board of Education Clerk, Carrie Davis, or (252) 462-2511

The work session will begin at 5:00 p.m. Following the opening of the work session, the Board will go into closed session. The Board will then return to open session for the regular business meeting. Members of the public will have access to view all public portions of the work session meeting and regular meeting (i.e., every part except closed session):

View a live video stream of the meeting with any web browser by clicking

Public Comment: Members of the public will have the opportunity to submit public comments in one of these ways:

  1. Join the meeting in-person and comment publicly;

  2. Submit a written comment by email during the designated time period to be read aloud by staff.

  3. Each person is limited to one public comment, whether written or spoken, per meeting.

Any Individual or group may contact Carrie Davis at 252-462-2511 or in the superintendent’s office to indicate their desire to address the board. The deadline is 12:00 p.m., March 3, 2025.

Rules of Order and Decorum: All of the Board’s normal rules of order and decorum for public address apply to comments submitted in-person, electronically or in writing. The Chair may rule written comments out of order in the same manner as spoken comments.

Special Accommodations: Anyone who requires disability accommodations or may have trouble accessing the live video stream on March 3, 2025 is encouraged to contact Carrie Davis at 252-462-2511 or prior to the day of the meeting to explore whether alternative arrangements can be made for viewing the meeting.

Closed Session: Closed session pursuant to General Statute 143-318.11(a)(1), (a)(3) and (a)(6) to prevent the disclosure of confidential personnel files under G.S. 115C-321, to consider matters relating to initial employment of an individual employee, to prevent the disclosure of confidential student records under G.S. 115C-402, and to consult with the Board's attorney in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege.


Media Contact:

Heather Louise Finch, Public Information Officer